Be on the lookout for eight important volumes written for all Christian women. There are volumes for young women, women in mid-life and women in their wisdom years; volumes on how to make a difference in the world; how to grow in prayer; how to become a "grassroots theologian"; as well as volumes on Latina spirituality and marriage and family. Published by St. Anthony Messenger Press. General Editor, Elizabeth A. Dreyer. Associate Editor, Jean Marie Hiesberger. Read one or all of them on your own...or better still, gather a group of women together in a parish or your home to read, discuss, engage in ritual, learn and grow in the spiritual life.
Fall 2008
Making Sense of God: A Woman’s Perspective, Elizabeth A. Dreyer
Grieving With Grace: A Woman’s Perspective, Dolores R. Leckey
Living a Spirituality of Action: A Woman’s Perspective, Joan Mueller
Spring 2009
Embracing Latina Spirituality: A Woman’s Perspective, Michelle A. Gonzalez
Awakening to Prayer: A Woman’s Perspective, Clare Wagner
Fall 2009
Creating New Life, Nurturing Families: A Woman’s Perspective, Sidney Callahan
Weaving Faith and Experience: A Woman’s Perspective on the Middle Years,
Patricia Cooney Hathaway
Finding My Voice: A Young Adult Woman's Perspective, Elizabeth Knobbe
Fall 2008
Making Sense of God: A Woman’s Perspective, Elizabeth A. Dreyer
Grieving With Grace: A Woman’s Perspective, Dolores R. Leckey
Living a Spirituality of Action: A Woman’s Perspective, Joan Mueller
Spring 2009
Embracing Latina Spirituality: A Woman’s Perspective, Michelle A. Gonzalez
Awakening to Prayer: A Woman’s Perspective, Clare Wagner
Fall 2009
Creating New Life, Nurturing Families: A Woman’s Perspective, Sidney Callahan
Weaving Faith and Experience: A Woman’s Perspective on the Middle Years,
Patricia Cooney Hathaway
Finding My Voice: A Young Adult Woman's Perspective, Elizabeth Knobbe